Instead of overspending on Valentines (which, let’s face it, is just a ploy to make us spend money), take a look at these great and mostly free ways to treat that someone special in your life.

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So we all know it’s a hyped-up, retail-driven, mushy excuse of a day, but deep down, we all seem to go slightly week-at-the-knees for the most romantic day of the year.
I mean, we all know that if you love someone, you don’t need one day of buying more expensive flowers, an expensive piece of jewellery or an overpriced meal at a restaurant to show your better half how much you care.
Yes, love should be shown throughout the year, but it is nice to show a little gratitude at least, and, hey, it’s kind of nice (I’m obviously feeling soppy!)
When it comes down to it, it’s the thought that counts.
Really, we just want to have a signal from the one we love that they think about us, care for us, and appreciate what we do for each other.
This doesn’t have to be expensive; more often than not, it’s the sentimental and free gifts that usually come out on top.
So, without having to think about what to do for Valentine’s Day if you are skint, here are some ideas to get you started.
Indoor picnic
Set up an indoor picnic with a blanket, finger food and even a bottle of wine to share on the living room floor or even your bed!
There are plenty of Valentine’s Day meal deals in supermarkets to get some good deals.
If the weather holds out, why not head outdoors and get some fresh air, too?
Get up early
Ok, now this may sound like a horrible thing to do (especially at the weekend), but do you often watch the sunrise together?
I know the weather may not be great, but why not get out of bed before the rest of the world and watch the sky wake up?
Chocolate covered strawberries
Even the uncrafty types can do this.
Create some chocolate-covered strawberries that look fab but are easy to make.
Melt a bar of dark chocolate with a small bit of oil, then simply dip each strawberry into the chocolate.
Leave them to dry in the fridge on a tray covered in baking paper for a few hours.
Win something
Are you a competition junkie, or do you think you could be?
If you’re feeling lucky, then why not turn to comping to win your prize for Valentine’s this year?
Up and down the country, companies will jump on the bandwagon to give away heartfelt gifts or experiences.
Twitter is a good place to start – search for #win or #comp to find competitions to RT and win.
Make your own Valentine’s cards
Don’t dash to the shop to buy a card; why not get creative and make your own?
Take a look at Pinterest, where you’ll be inundated with ideas!
And, if your other half has a good sense of humour, why not print off this amazing Tesco Value Valentine’s Day card.
Movie night
Get the kids to bed early and find an old romantic film (maybe it’s the wrong time for Die Hard – unless you both properly agree!).
Get a bag of popcorn and cuddle up under a blanket.
Netflix and chill, anyone?
Swap chores
It may not sound like a big deal, but if the same person in the house cooks dinner and washes up every night, then take the job instead.
Doing the same thing daily can get boring, which will be a great sentiment (try not to burn the food).
Share a pudding
If you’ve got kids, get them tucked up in bed and asleep, then simply share a pudding.
I remember eating at restaurants and feeling too full for a dessert, but I would happily share one with someone I love.
One pudding with two spoons can bring you close together.
DIY home spa
There’s nothing better than a relaxing (kid-free!!) soak in the bath!
In fact, knowing there won’t be a knock at the door is priceless.
Light some candles, make sure there are lots of bubbles and give your other half 30 minutes of peace and quiet in the tub with a good book.
Go to bed early
You can use your imagination on this one.
Let’s just say that everyone likes a cuddle every now and again 😉
Reader’s ideas for a budget Valentine’s Day
I am well aware that so many of you are full of wonderful and amazing ideas about saving money, and Valentine’s is no exception!
I put the question out on our Facebook page, and you have come up with different ways to save money or not spend anything to show your other half how much you love them.
Please feel free to add more and share your ideas with everyone in the comments below.
Here are some of our favourites:
Michelle Butler
A jar of compliments. I made one for a friend for Christmas in the shape of stars (origami stars.. there are how-to videos on YouTube), and they can open one every time they feel low or make enough for a month, or 2 months. Same can apply to meaningful lyrics, happy memories… stick some ribbon around an unwanted jar and use colourful paper to make it look nicer.
Preeti Jutle
We recycle the same card each year! I give it to him he crosses out the name and rewrites it and gives it back! Other than that we don’t do anything unusual…just a normal day. Love should be shown all year round! Either that or we’re just cheap!
Matt Boylen
Purchase some clear red balloons. Before blowing them up, place wrapped candies, small gifts, and/or love poems inside each one, then give them to your loved one as a bouquet.
June Lucas
Celebrate on the 15th when everything is cheaper if you feel the need to celebrate at all, I personally think it’s just another commercial occasion.
Catherine McAlinden
We don’t have any babysitters, so we dress up and have a posh meal at home! All technology off!
Kirsty Hart
Give them your time. Dedicate a bit of time just for them. Or make yours a different day when everything isn’t overpriced. My husband doesn’t like Valentine’s Day. He believes flowers and gifts to show love should be spontaneous, not forced. X
Jason Watson
I bought a packet of love hearts and made a homemade card with them. I shaped them in the shape of a heart.
Clare Baker
Sounds corny, but love is not about how much money is spent!! We do Valentine’s as a family, as of tomorrow the children will have a heart on there bedroom doors with a message of why we love them every day until 14th. Then on the 14th, we make a special breakfast, including heart-shaped eggs on toast, and exchange small chocolate gifts and cards. The evening is normally spent with a film or game.
Mumma Hayley Jones
Oooh, and buy next year’s Valentine’s Day card in the sale this year!!! Is that wrong?!?! <– No, Hayley, it isn’t!!