Save money on your energy bills! Read your meters this weekend to benefit from the new lower energy price cap starting 1 July.
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As we head into Energy Reading Week, nearly 10 million households need to take a simple step to save money on energy bills.
Starting from 1 July, the energy price cap for the average household will drop to £1,568, which is £122 lower than the current rate.
However, to benefit from this change, you must read your energy meter this weekend.
Why it’s important
If you don’t submit an accurate meter reading, your energy provider will estimate your usage if you’re on a standard variable tariff without a smart meter.
This means you could miss out on the cheaper rates for the first week of July, which could cost households collectively a stonking £30 million.
For the average household, the difference between June and July rates is about £2.78 for a week’s worth of energy.
What you need to do
All you need to do is read both your gas and electricity meters and send them to your energy provider.
If you’re not at home to do it now, set a reminder on your phone to do it over the weekend.
By taking this one simple steps, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of the new energy price cap and potentially save a significant amount on your energy bills.